Loaded Cookies Now Available in 7-Eleven!
Cookie Man is back! Now available in 750+ 7-Eleven locations across Australia.
You'll find them stocked near the coffee and sweets section. Look for the bright orange and purple packaging.
Try our indulgent Choc Chip Hazelnut Loaded Cookie and Snickerdoodle Biscoff Loaded Cookie today!


Cookie man is Back
Remember those good ol’ days when you’d beg your folks for a bag
of our drool-worthy Cookie Man cookies?
The thrill of picking out your
favourite assortment and bringing it home in those shiny foil bags? Oh,
and let’s not forget the legendary brandy snap cookies that made every
taste bud dance with delight!
Well, get ready to relive those epic moments and indulge in the
nostalgia, because Cookie Man is back!
We’re hitting the scene once again with our brand new loaded
cookies in every 7-Eleven store across the country.
Get your everyday treat today!